Monday, February 4, 2013

China is too far away....

Carrie, Kenny, Noah and Jack FINALLY made it to Utah! I love these guys and I was so glad that I got to fit in a quick Cafe Rio hang out. It has been a year since I have seen them, which in my book is way too long. It's hard to get from China to the US though so I'll just be glad for a yearly visit until they move back to the states. Noah was a snuggle bug, which made me so happy. He just sat on my lap chatting with me. Jack was hilarious as he pushed buttons on a massage chair and just giggled. Carrie is pregnant with a GIRL! It was so nice to get to see her and talk with her about the baby. One thing I love about Carrie and I is that we have been best friends since we were little and no matter how long it has been it always feels like it has just been a few days. I will be bummed when there are 3 Hunsaker babies in China and no Aunt Ashlee to help out, but I look forward to the day (hopefully sooner than later) that they move back!


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