It wasn't the best weekend I have ever had, but there were a few highlights along the way. Here is a quick look at some of my favorites:
Brigham City Temple Open House
I was really glad I got to go up to Brigham City on Friday morning. (Yes, I skipped work!) Bobby, Dustin and I made the trip to see the temple. It's fun to be able to walk around and look at the details of everything before they actually let people in. A few of my favorite things were all the wood carvings on the walls, the beautiful paintings, and the stained glass windows. The funniest part was when Bobby and I sat down in the sealing room on the couch just looking up at the ceiling and one of the volunteers said, "Oh look! A Bride and Groom" Bobby RAN out of the room quickly followed by me. We both just laughed at the lady on our way out. I'm really excited for the dedication in a couple of Sundays.
Afterwards Dustin suggested a waffle place in SLC. So glad that he did.

I had heard of it from Man vs. Food and also just from people in the area talking about it. The guy started to describe the waffle to me and I knew that it was going to be a must. I had the strawberries and cream while the boys went for the big sausage sandwiches. They couldn't resist though so they went back for a waffle of their own afterwards!
We had a Relief Society retreat on Friday night in Mt. Pleasant. Our president, Anita, has a cabin down there so we all made the trek to stay. The drive was long and I was tired, but the sunset made it a little better.
With it starting to be more fall like, the roommates and I have been talking about apple picking a lot. Well while looking up apple farms, Amanda found a raspberry patch that you can pick raspberries for $2.50 a pound. This sounded like a dream to me! Since we were going to be down south anyways we decided to leave the retreat a little early and stop in Payson on our way home. We pulled up to some nice houses and a random berry patch. There was a table, a money box, and some cartons. Basically it was an on your honor type thing. We got to picking and I will admit I tasted a little too. I walked away with 2.5 lbs totally $6.25! Not only was it cheap, but they taste amazing!
Just starting out!
I also got to meet up with my friend Kimmie for some amazing Indian food and a movie. Kimmie is fun to hang with because we just say it like it is and laugh a lot while eating great food! No pictures were taken, but I should have taken one of our table. It was tiny and we each had naan, a bowl of rice, a bowl of curry, cups, plates, and utensils. Way too much stuff on one very tiny table!
I'm glad I had a few fun highlights this weekend!
This raspberries look amazingly wonderful!