The last day of school is usually a pretty good one. No matter how much you love your class, it's nice to be able to say goodbye to kids and hello to summer. I had a very unexpected gift presented to me this morning which made it even better.
My room mom had come in while I was out of town over the last couple of weeks and asked my students questions about me. What I like to eat, where I live, what they will miss about me, what they learned, etc. Then she sent a note home (I assume) asking for donations. She typed up all of these adorable responses and put it together in a little booklet. After each thoughtful note there was a dollar bill. They all helped out and gave me a 100 thoughtful notes and $100!
They told me I was going to cry...and I did!
For as much trouble as some of these kids gave me all year long, they sure did know how to say thank you. I told them I would use the money to buy something for my new house to remember them by.
~Goodbye Class of 2012-2013~